Why dead starting batteries are an unnecessary single point of failure risk?
When power outages hit the biggest fear is an unforeseen single point of failure that prevents business continuity.
That’s why Active Power developed GenSTART.
In industry more outages and more frequent use of Critical Power Back Up generation look set to be the new norm. (Figures show the market for back up power equipment including for diesel and gas generators will grow by $2bn to $4.3bn by 2030. (Source: Coherent Market Insights))
Preparing for extreme hot and cold weather conditions that will impact the power grid is another new reality.
Most on site back up generators rely on batteries for their Genset start up cranking power – this is the very power source most impacted by extreme temperatures. In turn this means the sole reliance on batteries for Genset start up is a growing and unnecessary risk.
Best practice is to have a simple system which can work separately or with your battery system to make sure gensets start up at the critical moment.
The GenSTART Module from Active Power provides reliable power to a genset engine’s starting motor.
It can be installed in parallel with batteries or can replace batteries completely to ensure a successful cranking cycle of the engine.
GenSTART adds reliability to your backup power systems that you can depend on.
Download our latest Data Sheets to Learn More about GenSTART from Active Power.

GenSTART from Active Power
About Active Power
Active Power designs and manufactures battery-free flywheel uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems and energy storage products for mission-critical power applications worldwide from its headquarters and manufacturing plant in Austin TX. The company was founded in 1996 and became public in 2001 (NASDAQ).
In November 2016 the business was acquired by German group, Piller Power Systems. Today, US customers are served via Austin and internationally via Piller’s global network of subsidiaries and service centers. Piller is a division of the UK engineering and industrial group, Langley Holdings plc.