Active Power is an ideal choice for critical infrastructure across the globe due to its immediate power protection, exceptional reliability, and battery-free design. Our Flywheel UPS systems offer high efficiency, scalability, and industry-leading reliability while lowering the total cost of ownership. The battery-free design is environmentally friendly and serves a wide range of industries, making our products a reliable and cost-effective solution for safeguarding all critical infrastructure.

Market Sectors

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Military & Defense


Data Centers

Industrial & Manufacturing

Leisure & Entertainment


Broadcasting & Communication


Active Power's flywheel technology plays a vital role in safeguarding pharmaceutical production facilities worldwide, ensuring uninterrupted power supply and preventing disruptions that could compromise the pharmaceutical manufacturing process.

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Military & Defense

Active Power's advanced flywheel technology plays a key role in supporting defense production and military facilities on a global scale. It guarantees an unbroken power supply, effectively shielding against any disruptions that might jeopardize national defense efforts.

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Active Power's Flywheel UPS systems ensure uninterrupted power to critical transport systems, safeguarding passenger safety, and minimizing service disruptions, all while reducing operational costs.

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Data Centers

Active Power's Flywheel UPS systems are deployed in data centers worldwide, offering unmatched reliability and energy efficiency to safeguard critical operations and reduce maintenance costs.

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Industrial & Manufacturing

Active Power UPS systems in Industrial & Manufacturing offer unmatched reliability, ensuring continuous production, and cost-effective energy efficiency, minimizing downtime and operational costs.

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Leisure & Entertainment

Active Power's Flywheel UPS systems provide dependable power protection to maintain seamless operations and guest satisfaction while minimizing operational disruptions and costs in Casinos, Theme Parks and Shopping Malls around the world.

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Active Power is the preferred choice for healthcare facilities, offering dependable power solutions that ensure uninterrupted patient care, protect critical medical equipment, and align with sustainability goals, all backed by exceptional customer support.

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Broadcasting & Communication

Active Power's Flywheel UPS systems are an ideal choice for your broadcast facility, delivering unrivaled power reliability to ensure uninterrupted broadcasting and protect valuable equipment, all while reducing operational expenses.

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